Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Thinking activity - Frankenstein

 Thinking activity


This blog is a task given by Yesha ma'am. In this blog I am going to give a movie review of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein movie which is a 1994 science fiction horror film, and also try to answer some of the questions mentioned in the blog.

Yesha ma'am's blog of 'Frankenstein' - Click here.


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein movie is a 1994 science fiction horror film. This movie is considered the most faithful film adaptation of Mary Shelley's 1818 novel, Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus. This film follows a medical student who is Victor Frankenstein and he creates a monster composed of various body parts.

This movie was released theatrically on 4 November,1994 by TriStar pictures.

Here is all information about movie

Here is Cast of this movie

Movie Review

This movie begins with Captain Walton who faces trouble to reach the North pole. When they are on their voyage, they face a massive sea storm, they are frightened, and then their ship is trapped in the ice of the Arctic sea. Then suddenly the crew heard a frightening noise and they saw a mysterious figure who was killing their dogs.

Then the crew rescues a man, who is Victor Frankenatein and Victor tells Walton and the crew of his life story, how he created a creature for a purpose but he can't give him identity.

When Victor was a young boy he was very clever, and a genius. Everytime he is curious for knowledge. He wanted to go to university to study. His mother mentioned that…

"You were so hungry for knowledge, such a serious little boy."

Victor grows in Geneva, he has adopted a sister, who is Elizabeth Lavenza, they love each other, Victor wanted to go university of ingolstadt, but before he went his mother died. His mother dies giving birth to his brother william. Victor screams and cries at his mothers dead body.

That was the time when most women died in childbirth, because at that time there were not any medicines made which could save a woman's life. Women have to  face pain, and if they can't they die. At that time Victor decided to change this situation. He wanted to make something. That can give life to a dead person, and he wanted to achieve life over death.

Victor went to university, where he met Henry Clerval, and a professor whose notes contain information on how to create life. In an illegal way he created a creature, he made this creature with a dead human body, he combined several human parts, like leg, hand, mind. He put life in it with electric shocks, but the creature looks extremely horrible. He tries to kill Victor, he steals Victor's coat and runs to town.

Creature runs away to the forest where he finds shelter in a family's barn and he stays there. There he learns to speak, and read, by watching a lady who teaches her daughter. He also brings food for them, and one day when a person tries to harm a blind old man, he kills that man. Blind man thanked this creature, and asked him who he was? What is his name ? Creature tells him that his creator does not give him name, and he said that you are the first ever man who doesn't fritten to him, and then blind man's family reshed at home they saw creature, and terrified at this creature, started to hit him. Creature ran away from the forest.

The creature cried horribly. Why did Victor make him like this ? That nobody likes him, if anyone sees him they get afraid, and  start hitting him. He is also sad that Victor made him, but doesnt give him any identity, and just through him. He returned there but there was nobody that the family ran away from, he fired that home, and decided to take revenge from Victor Frankenstein.

On other side Victor returns to Geneva to marry Elizabeth, and he finds that his younger brother William has been murdered. The servant Justine is blamed for the crime and hanged but Victor knows that the creature is responsible.

The creature and Victor met, where the creature demanded that he wanted a female companion for him. If Victor doesn't make it he will kill everyone. Victor begins to create life, but when the creature insists that he use Justine's body to make the companion, Victor gets angry and he breaks his promise. The creature kills Elizabeth on their wedding night.

Victor wanted to bring back Elizabeth's life, He made Elizabeth alive. He stitches Elizabeth's head onto Justine's body. The creature wanted Elizabeth as his bride. They both fight for Elizabeth, but she horrified by them and she commits suicide.

This is the whole story which Victor tells Walton, that how to make a creation, which kills everyone. When he finished his story he died. Walton saw the creature who was weeping over Victor's body, he lost his creator.

The crew prepares a funeral pyre, at that ceremony ice getting cracks, Walton helps the creature to stay with the ship, but the creature stays with the pyre, hu burns himself with Victor's body.

Q-1 why Victor was not able to accept his dream experiment and its results?

Victor was clever at his study, he delights in the sciences and vows to someday study science. At the university he meets his professors M.Krempe and M.Waldman. He has a plan to recreate and reanimate a dead body. He uses a combination of chemistry, alchemy and electricity to make his ambition a reality.

After bringing the creature to life Victor feels guilty that he has brought a new life into the world with no provisions for taking care of the monster. He runs away in fear and disgust from his creation. Victor wanted to kill his creation. He was not able to accept his dream experiment and results which he got, because he failed at his experiment, the creature looks ugly, and horrible, that's why society and Victor  doesn't accept him.

Q-2 what made the creature a monster? 

When Victor made his dream experiment, he created a creature, but he failed on his experiment. When he saw his creature he himself was afraid of it, and  Victor tried to kill his creation, but the creature ran away to the town where he tried to steal food, because he was hungry, when people saw his face they got afraid and started hitting him. Creature ran away to save his life. He went to a hut and hid himself there. He notices the family and learns to speak and read to watch the lady who taught his daughter to read and write. Creatures help many times to that  family, to bring food for them. But when the family saw him they got afraid and started hitting him. Creatures run away from there, he cried that no one likes him, everyone afraid from him, no one saw that he was good human, he never harm anyone, but to face this kind of rejection and abusement he decide to take revenge from his creator Victor, because he just made him and didn't take any responsibility, and just through him. Ignorance of his creator, abusement and hate of people made him a monster.

The monster complains that his maker and mankind are moving his nature from goodness and benevolence to wrath and violence. He attempts the company of men and is rejected with horror, fear and abuse.

Q-3 why society has rejected Victor's idea of experiment and then the result of his experiment?

The monster created by Victor Frankenstein is rejected by human society, because of his appearance, he was different from humans, he was totally ignored and abused by the society. Victor Frankenstein was driven by his ambition when he created his monster, he does not think about the consequences but rather experiments. He also doesn't think about the feelings of creatures.

The society can't accept the creature, because he was ugly and horrible. Whenever creatures appear around people, they get afraid of him and abuse him to see his face,they can't accept the creature as it is. 

Q-4 Who decides what beauty is ? Is it for real or Superficial ? 

In this novel  we can define what is real beauty and what is Superficial beauty.  The monster is ugly, but deep down he is just a lonely guy who wants somebody to love. That society only can look at outer beauty and accept it but they can't see that this creature is innocent it wasnt harm anyone, they couldn't understand his feeling, they only saw his outer appearance, and started to hate him. That society made him a monster to hate and abuse him badly. Real beauty is not about your outer look and white skin it is about your inner self. Monster just wants a friend with whom he can share his pain and accept him as he is but no one will be his friend because of his ugliness. He was alone and suffered a lot because of his outerlook.

Q-5 Villain in Frankenstein.

I think that in this novel the villain was society.  The creature deep down was lonely, no one accepted him, his creator made him and threw him, because he looks ugly and horrible. The society abused him alot and hated him. There was no one who could understand the feeling of  that monster. The beginning of the novel, the monster ran away from people because whenever  they saw him they abused him and badly hit him, he ran away to save his life. The Creature thought that why his creator made him if he can't accept him and can't give him any identity he decided to take revenge from his creator. That's how the rejection of society and his creator made him a monster.


This whole is all about Victor and his creation. Victor creates a creature, for a purpose to give life dead person, but he get failed. He was absolutely successful in giving life to a dead person, but he did not combine his body parts. That creature looks ugly, nobody likes him, whoever sees him they get afraid of him. Creature suffers a lot, by his terrifying face, and he decided to take revenge  from Victor. Victor just made him, and through him. He doesn't give him any identity, that's why that creature takes revenge on his creator, but in the end he loses Victor.

Here is the trailer of this movie-

Words - 1744.

Thank you.

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