Thursday, October 6, 2022


Thinking Activity


This blog is a Thinking activity task given by yesha ma'am. In this blog I am going to deal with some questions and try to justify all questions.

Here is a task given by yesha ma'am.

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Pride and prejudice is a 2005 romantic drama film directed by joe wright.

This movie is based on Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice" which was published in 1813. This film featured five sisters from an English family, and they portrayed that they deal with issues of marriage, morality, and misconceptions, Keira Knightley was in lead  role of Elizabeth Bennet, and Matthew Macfadyen plays her romantic interest mr. Darcy.

Screenwriter was Deborah Moggach, he attempted to make her a script as faithful to the novel as possible. This film was released on 16 september 2005. In the United Kingdom and on 11 November in the United states.

1) Which version of the novel is more appealing ? Novel or film (adaptation)? Why?

Novels and movie adaptations are totally different things, in this modern time movies are one of most popular aspects of entertainment, and movies are less time consuming than novels. When novel reading takes 8 or 10 days,  movies take 2,3 hours and also many novels are too bulky to read. Other side movies help a modern audience better connect with characters of novels, and easy to understand characters.

According to me, the movie version of this novel is more appealing, because the movie can have a deeper effect than the novel. To read novel experiencing its story and visualizing scenes in our mind is great experience, but it takes much time, on other hand movie shows scenes, and the story of novel in just 2, 3 horse and it's beautiful nature scenes, amazing songs, music is pleasant to eyes and ears and its different experience. In this modern time most people want to see movies rather than read novels.

2) character of Elizabeth-

Elizabeth Bennet was a second daughter in the Bennet family, and she was the most intelligent woman. 

She was a headstrong woman, a woman with pride. Judgementle, mature, she had strong opinions and she was very honest.

Elizabeth is the protagonist of "Pride and Prejudice" and she is one of the most well known female characters in English literature. She has many qualities like she is lovely, clever and in a novel defined by dialogue, she converses as brilliantly as anyone.

Pride and Prejudice is the story of how she overcomes all obstacles to find romantic happiness. She overcomes her own mistaken impressions of Darcy, which initially lead her to reject his proposals of marriage, but at the end she comes to recognize the nobility of Darcy's character, and she realizes the mistake of her intiak prejudice against him.

This quote also by Elizabeth-

“There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well of. The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.”

Elizabeth's  opinion here is strongly influenced by her friend Charlotte Lucas’s. She recently make announcement that she will going to marry with mr.collins because she don't want to burdensome on their parents, if she get married with mr.collins she get financially independent.

“He is a gentleman, and I am a gentleman’s daughter. So far we are equal.”


When Elizabeth met lady Catherine, she quoted this sentence that she is equal to Mr, Darcy. Lady Catherine was upset by the decision of mr. Darcy to marry Elizabeth.

“There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”

This quote shows Elizabeth Bennet proud declaration to Mr. Darcy. Clearly this shows Elizabeth’s famed self-confidence.

3) Character of mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy-

Mr. Darcy was a man with pride, reserved, an introverted man, an observer, a silent lover, and also a true lover of Elizabeth Bennet.

Mr.Darcy is son of a wealthy, well established family and the master of the great estate of pemberley. Here the narrator related Elizabeth's point of view of events more often than Darcy's so that Elizabeth often seems a more sympathetic figure. Mr. Darcy Singh's birth and wealth make him overly proud and lovely, conscious of his social status.

When Elizabeth reject mr. Darcy was an advance to build a kind of humanity in Darcy. He rescues Lydia and Bennet's family from disgrace, and he also goes against the wishes of his aunt, and he proves himself worthy for Elizabeth. At the end Elizabeth falls in love with mr.Darcy, and she agrees to marry him.

“You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged; but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.”

This is quoted by mr.Darcy, second time proposed by Elizabeth. Here Mr. Darcy’s language  is quite different from his haughty proposal  which he did before.

4) Give illustration of the society of that time-

 " Pride and Prejudice " was written in the Georgian era. This book demonstrates the society and cultural views of the time she was living. Novels main themes are marriage, social class, prejudice, pride and how the characters of this book are portrayed through their point of view. In this era there were many things presented here.

There were main three aspects-

  • Social aspect 

  • Cultural aspect

  • Religion

Social aspect-

The Industrial Revolution influenced social class in England.  There was main three classes in that time society 1) Upper Class 2) middle class

3) loverclass

Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice describes two class people: 1) upper class people 2) middle class people.

Cultural aspect-

In cultural aspects Jane Austen introduces the major theme which is marriage. In this novel characters have different views about marriage.

First line of novel is based on marriage-

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

Religion aspect-

In this novel Jane Austen presents mr. Collins is the distant cousin of mr. Bennet, and a clergyman. He had the honor of preaching to her. He also has pathroness lady catherine.

5) If you were a director or screenplay writer what sort of difference would you make in the making of a movie?

If I was a director or screenplay writer, I would not make any difference in the making of a movie, because in this movie everything is perfect. In this movie there were pleasant scenery scenes and songs. Everything goes the right way.

6) Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

Here is list of characters of my choice-

  • Elizabeth - Dipika padukon 

  • Mr.Darcy - Ranvir singh

  • Mr.Bingley - Amirkhan

  • Jane - pariniti chopra

  • Mr. Collins - Ajay Devgan

  • Wickham - Shahid Kapoor

7) write a note on a scene you like the most.

I personally like the last scene of this movie. Where Elizabeth tells her father that she loves mr. Darcy wanted to marry him. Mr. Bennet gives Elizabeth his consent to marry him. In the whole novel or movie adaptation. They suffered a lot. They face so many troubles and overcome it,  and at the end they understand each other's feelings. They purely love each other.

8)Compare the narrative strategy of novel and movie-

The movie and novel are having the same story line, but the narrative strategy of both are different. Movie starts with Elizabeth , Elizabeth enters with a reading book, and the book starts with a quote narrated by Jane Austen.

The novel ends with the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth, and the movie ends with an intimate scene of Elizabeth and mr.Darcy.


To conclude that "Pride and Prejudice " is one of best novel of Jane Austen. Jane Asten written many romantic novels but this novel is best of all. At the end of this novel Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy understand each others feelings, and they fell in love each other and Elizabeth get parmision to marry Mr.Darcy. They started live happily together.

Thank you for visiting....

1 comment:

  1. Awesome its really very useful for English literature students
