Sunday, December 11, 2022

Frame Study : Modern Times

Frame Stydy : Modern Times

Charlie Chaplin

This blog is a task assigned by Dr.Barad Sir, H.O.D. of the English Department. The Setting of the 20th century, and the understanding of literature is incomplete if it is not connected with the setting of the time. The understanding of the socio economic religion setting is important for better understanding of literary text and for the first half of the twentieth century. Charlie Chaplin's films are the best to serve this purpose. His films like 'Modern Times' and 'The Great Dictators' serve the purpose and students get an easy understanding of the 'esoteric' nature of the literature. So in this blog I am going to write 'Fram Study' of 'Modern Times'.

Charlie Chaplin

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889 and died on 25 December 1977. 

He was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred, and also composed music for most of his movies. He was considered as the most important figure of the film industry and he became a worldwide icon through his screen persona. He spent more than 75 years making his career from his childhood when victorian era was running until his death 1977. 

We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

This famous line is spoken by Charlie Chaplin. This famous and remarkable line was from The final speech of the movie 'The Great Dictators'.

 modern times

This movie was released on 5 February 1936. This was an American part-talkie satirical, romantic, black comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin. In this movie  his iconic Little Tramp character struggles to survive in the modern, industrialized world. This movie shows desperate employment, how the rich and poor are divided, how poor people struggle for their basic needs like food, shelter, and clothings and the financial condition of the people during the great depression time and also shows the effect of  industrialisation. In this movie star cast were Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Henry Bergman, Tiny Sandford and Chester Conklin. This movie was one of the 25 movies that was selected by the library of the congress  for national film registry  because this film was a culturally, historically aesthetically significant film of Charlie Chaplin.

What is frame study?

Basically in the study frame is a single image of a video. Framing involves composing the visual content of a series of frames as seen from a single point of view. frame is the term used by screenwriters to indicate the entrance of a person or thing into a framed shot.  Frame study is all about the study of a particular image, what that image indicates and what the purpose symbol of that image and other things.

Frame Study : 'The Modern Times'

Frame 1: Time controls people in industrialization

This film begins with a picture of a clock. Which indicates time and how we are controlled by the times. On a daily basis every person follows the time when the sun rises. Humans went to work to fulfill their needs. This clock symbolizes the working time of people. In working life there was the same routine of the people there was nothing new to do, that's how working peoples life became artificial. They are became like machines, or slave of machines  working 24/7 days. In this film after the picture of the clock there was a crowd of people who were going to work. 

Frame 2 man-Animals/ dictatorial democracy.

In this picture dictatorial democracy  connected with people with goats. Right after the picture of clock we seen the herd of sheep and then crowd of people which indicate that how they blindly follow each other. There was no difference between them. They just blindly followed each other no matter what the purpose of their life was, only working life is not real life.

Frame 3 mind control physical strength.

Here I put two frames. The first frame is a picture of a factory where many working class people were working. They work really hard to earn  vegas. And the second picture was about the ownership, working people and how workers were always under the control of their boss or owner, and the boss always has an eye on his workers. Even the boss controls their personal privacy. Here the musselman symbolizes strength, and in that industrialisation time the physical strength controlled by mind

Frame 4 mechanization

There is a guinea pig to test a new machine to feed the workers automatically, without having to interrupt their work during lunch. The engine, still in development appears to be a veritable instrument of torture. In the fourth  they experiment on one of their workers. First that machine worked well but after some time it got damaged and that worker stuck with that machine and that machine hit him again and again. Here this picture symbolizes mechanization and in that sense because of their various types of experiment workers and working class people have to suffer a lot.

Frame 5 Food, shelter, clothing Basic needs

That was the 20th century when economic and social problems were declared in 1931, many working class people lost their jobs. Unemployment was the key question during that time.

In that time poor people struggles for their basic needs like food, shellder in and also mostly working class people passes through depression. Hungry people always dream about food that they have in their dream house and they eat whatever they want. 

Here is a fram of a motherless three sisters and a poor unemployed father, who was jobless. 

Frame 6 Job security

In 20th century many people lost their job. Job was prominant part in indivisual life of people. That was basic need of every single person.  Many factories were passing through their downfall thats why they cant provide sufficiabt wages for workers. When  Trump was  leaving the hospital, he picks up a red flag that fell from a truck. Immediately, protesters take him for a leader and followers. Arrested by the police, he became a model prisoner who outwits, despite himself, an escape, which earned him a favor. Despite his protests, he was released.

Frame 7 Hope 

At last this frame indicate Hope. Open rod indicate that there was long journey of their life, whatever bad things happen in their life but at thw end they will receive good things in their life. So this film end with hope that they will get their dream life. They receive good things in their life.

To study about 'Fram study' is unique thing. This was my first time when i selected few frams and particularly study that. I studied these frames from the film 'Modern Times'. These frames shows the incident and some real event of the 20th century. In this film Charlie Chaplin despleyes many socio economic and political situation, he was such an amazing artist and he shows here reality of that time.

Here i embeded my other blog in where i write about The Fram study of 'The Great Dictator'.

Click here

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Thank you for visiting.

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