Sunday, December 11, 2022

Frame Study : The Great Dictator

Frame Study : The Great Dictator

Charlie Chaplin

 This blog is a task assigned by Dr.Barad Sir, H.O.D. of the English Department. The Setting of the 20th century, and the understanding of literature is incomplete if it is not connected with the setting of the time. The understanding of the socio economic religion setting is important for better understanding of literary text and for the first half of the twentieth century. Charlie Chaplin's films are the best to serve this purpose. His films like 'Modern Times' and 'The Great Dictators' serve the purpose and students get an easy understanding of the 'esoteric' nature of the literature. So in this blog I am going to write 'Fram Study' of 'The Great Dictators'.

Charlie Chaplin

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889 and died on 25 December 1977. 

He was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He wrote, directed, produced, edited, starred, and also composed music for most of his movies. He was considered as the most important figure of the film industry and he became a worldwide icon through his screen persona. He spent more than 75 years making his career from his childhood when victorian era was running until his death 1977. 

We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

This famous line is spoken by Charlie Chaplin. This famous and remarkable line was from The final speech of the movie 'The Great Dictators'.

The Great Dictator

The great Dictator film released on 15 October 1940. This film was an American anti war political satire and black comedy film. This film was written, directed, produced, scored by, and starring British comedian Charlie Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin was considered the only Hollywood filmmaker who continued to make silent films well into the period of sound films. He made this film as his first true sound film. This was one of his most commercial, successful and popular movies. 

In this film he played the role of a ruthless fascist dictator and a persecuted Jewish barber. Through both characters he shows the situation of that time. At the time of first release that was the early days of world war two. Most modern critics praised this work as the most significant historical film. 

What is frame study?

Basically in the study frame is a single image of a video. Framing involves composing the visual content of a series of frames as seen from a single point of view. frame is the term used by screenwriters to indicate the entrance of a person or thing into a framed shot.  Frame study is all about the study of a particular image, what that image indicates and what the purpose symbol of that image and other things.

Frame Study of 'The Great Dictator'

Frame 1

In this farm there were policemans who took all the vegetables from the villagers ' shop and that single girl said, I wish I was a man. I will show you what I could do.  To add to that, she said if you have courage come for a fight alone, not in a group. That group of policemen said let's return this  to her and then  started to hit her. This picture symbolizes how poor people have to suffer when they raise their voice against powerful people. Those people who have power think that they could do everything with people because they have power over them.

Fram 2

Here this  indicates that every leader wants to reach higher than other leaders. Here Hynkel is trying to play phycologically game with Napolini. He put a lower chair for Napolini that he felt uncomfortable and lower than him. When Nepolini was on a state visit to neighboring country Tomaria, they started to compete with each other on pulling  chains higher and higher, which indicates childness, and stupidity of those leaders.

 Frame 3

In this  third  Hynkel was playing with a huge balloon of globes. The globe represents how they play with the world. This frame shows a maniacal dream sequence of hitler. He had a dream of ruling over the world.

Fram 4

This particular frame does not indicate just Hynkel/ hitler but all political parties' leaders. Political leaders use children to indicate how kind, softhearted people they are. They try to tell people that they are kind toward kids so they might be good people, but that is not true at all. This kind of thing also happens in the contemporary world. To do such a thing, political leaders pretend that they are emotional and kind people.

To study about 'Fram study' is unique thing. This was my first time when I selected a few frames and particularly studied them. I studied these frames from the film 'The Great Dictator'. These frames shows the incident and some real event of the 20th century. In this film Charlie Chaplin deals with  many socio economic and political situations, he was such an amazing artist and he shows the reality of that time.

Here i embeded link of my other blog in which i write about 'Frame Study : Modern Times. '

Picture - 6 
Word - 868

Thank you for visiting.

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