Tuesday, February 7, 2023

I.A. Richards practical criticism- Figurative Language

I.A. Richards practical criticism-

Figurative Language

This blog is a thinking activity given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir. This activity is all about interpretation of poems in context to I.A. Richards "The Figurative Language". In this blog I try to interpret Kedarnathsingh's poem "Vidroh ''.

"Vidroh" poem is written by Kedarnathsingh who is considered one of the leading voices in contemporary Hindi poetry. This poem was published as a part of his collection " Zameen pak Rahi Hai". This collection was first published in 1983.

Kedarnathsingh's poems deal with many questions like existence, identity and human existence. This poem " Vidroh" is written in a political context and critical way. This poem expresses the poet's frustration  with the political situation in india.

केदार नाथ सिंह की कविता- विद्रोह

आज घर में घुसा

तो वहां अजब दृश्य था

सुनिये- मेरे बिस्तर ने कहा-

यह रहा मेरा इस्तीफ़ा

मैं अपने कपास के भीतर

वापस जाना चाहता हूं

उधर कुर्सी और मेज़ का

एक संयुक्त मोर्चा था

दोनों तड़पकर बोले-

जी- अब बहुत हो चुका

आपको सहते-सहते

हमें बेतरह याद आ रहे हैं

हमारे पेड़

और उनके भीतर का वह

ज़िंदा द्रव

जिसकी हत्या कर दी है


उधर आलमारी में बंद

किताबें चिल्ला रही थीं

खोल दो-हमें खोल दो

हम जाना चाहती हैं अपने

बांस के जंगल

और मिलना चाहती हैं

अपने बिच्छुओं के डंक

और सांपों के चुंबन से

पर सबसे अधिक नाराज़ थी

वह शॉल

जिसे अभी कुछ दिन पहले कुल्लू से ख़रीद लाया था

बोली- साहब!

आप तो बड़े साहब निकले

मेरा दुम्बा भेड़ा मुझे कब से

पुकार रहा है

और आप हैं कि अपनी देह

की क़ैद में

लपेटे हुए हैं मुझे

उधर टी.वी. और फोन का

बुरा हाल था

ज़ोर-ज़ोर से कुछ कह रहे थे


पर उनकी भाषा

मेरी समझ से परे थी

-कि तभी

नल से टपकता पानी तड़पा-

अब तो हद हो गई साहब!

अगर सुन सकें तो सुन


इन बूंदों की आवाज़-

कि अब हम

यानी आपके सारे के सारे


आदमी की जेल से

मुक्त होना चाहते हैं

अब जा कहां रहे हैं-

मेरा दरवाज़ा कड़का

जब मैं बाहर निकल रहा था.

Kedarnathsingh wrote poems on common man problems using natural elements surrounding us like animals, mud, rivers, water, farmland, forest, trees, clouds, afternoons, rain, honey bee, crane etc. He describes life using nature as if in every poem of his he is describing a still painting or a photograph hidden in an old novel.

Here are some problematic things in the poem

  1. Poet's bed speaking to him gave him resignation . He wanted to go back to cotton.

  2. The unity of chair and table said enough is enough, they tolerated their owner and they missed their trees and living liquid which were murdered by the owner. They wanted to go back to the trees.

  3. In the locked cupboard books screamed out to his owner and said they wanted to go back to the bamboo forest, they missed the scorpius sting and wanted to kiss the snake.

  4. The strangest thing was that his shawl told him that it's dumb ship calling it and its master wrapped it in the cage of his body. That shawl was bought from Kullu just a few days ago.

  5. On the other hand Television and mobile phones also speak loudly to him but he can't understand its language.

  6. Dripping water from the tap also meant that it wanted to be free from prison.

  7. That all prisoners wanted to be free from his man's prison.

  8. At the end when the owner of all those things went out his door slammed on him and asked "where are you going now?"

In this poem the poet personifies many such things like bed, chair and table, books, shawl, T.V. and phone, water drop, and door. All those things speaking to his master that all things are inanimate things and how it behaves like animate ? That is problematic.

First when the owner entered his house he saw a strange thing that his bed was speaking to him and it gave resignation, it wanted to go back its cotton. 

आज घर में घुसा

तो वहां अजब दृश्य था

सुनिये- मेरे बिस्तर ने कहा-

यह रहा मेरा इस्तीफ़ा

मैं अपने कपास के भीतर

वापस जाना चाहता हूं

Then the unity of chair and table, they both speaking in an anonymous way that enough is enough, they tolerate his master, they miss their trees and the living liquid which has been murdered by the owner. How could the owner murder the living liquid  that is problematic?

उधर कुर्सी और मेज़ का

एक संयुक्त मोर्चा था

दोनों तड़पकर बोले-

जी- अब बहुत हो चुका

आपको सहते-सहते

हमें बेतरह याद आ रहे हैं

हमारे पेड़

और उनके भीतर का वह

ज़िंदा द्रव

जिसकी हत्या कर दी है


Books were screaming from a locked cupboard open to us, they wanted to go back from bamboo forest, they wanted to meet scorpion sting and kisses of snakes. 

उधर आलमारी में बंद

किताबें चिल्ला रही थीं

खोल दो-हमें खोल दो

हम जाना चाहती हैं अपने

बांस के जंगल

और मिलना चाहती हैं

अपने बिच्छुओं के डंक

और सांपों के चुंबन से

And the annoyist thing is that his shawl which was bought from kullu just a few days ago also says to him that it's dumb sheep calling it and it wants to be free.from the cage as a man's body. Here the poet uses a metaphor for the body as a cage.

पर सबसे अधिक नाराज़ थी

वह शॉल

जिसे अभी कुछ दिन पहले कुल्लू से ख़रीद लाया था

बोली- साहब!

आप तो बड़े साहब निकले

मेरा दुम्बा भेड़ा मुझे कब से

पुकार रहा है

और आप हैं कि अपनी देह

की क़ैद में

लपेटे हुए हैं मुझे

  • Here the poet refers to Himachal Pradesh to  mention Kullu shawl. Kullu shawl is a type of shawl made in kullu. It features various types of geometric patterns and is made by Kullavi  people.

On the other hand T.V and phone were loudly speaking to their master but he couldn't even understand the language. 

उधर टी.वी. और फोन का

बुरा हाल था

ज़ोर-ज़ोर से कुछ कह रहे थे


पर उनकी भाषा

मेरी समझ से परे थी

-कि तभी

नल से टपकता पानी तड़पा-

अब तो हद हो गई साहब!

अगर सुन सकें तो सुन


इन बूंदों की आवाज़-

कि अब हम

यानी आपके सारे के सारे


आदमी की जेल से

मुक्त होना चाहते हैं

The master understands the language of all inanimate  things except the language  of T.V. and phone. 

Then dropping water said it's too much sir, now we all wanted to be free from man's prison.  

अब जा कहां रहे हैं-

मेरा दरवाज़ा कड़का

जब मैं बाहर निकल रहा था.

At the end when the man went out his house the door slammed on him and asked " where are you going now ?"  

That all inanimate things wanted to be free from his master but when his master left them they stopped him and questioned him about where he was going? That is a problematic thing to notice.


This poem is a part of ecocriticism and in this poem points out discussions like culture VS nature. We can also connect this poem with the " is female to.male as Nature is to Culture" essay written by Sherry b. In this essay she describes women as "Closer to nature than man" and it describes cultural opposition like Culture/nature, man/woman, mind/body, public/private, civilized/primitive, and active/passive.


In conclusion, the poem "Vidroh" by Kedarnathsingh is a powerful expression of social criticism and frustration, and it making use of simple language and many imagery. The poem remains relevant today and continues to inspire people to fight against corruption, exploitation, and oppression.

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