Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Existentialism : Flipped Learning

Existentialism : Flipped Learning

This blog is written as a part of a flipped learning task. This task is assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad sir H.O.D. of English Department M.K.B.U . In this blog I am going to give my understanding from those 10 videos which sir gave us to understand Existentialism.

My Thought on Video Resources

All video resources are very informative and worth watching. Use of infographics and related pictures, texts  are helpful to understand the main concept of the video. We can easily understand things from such good content videos like those.

Videos i like the most 

I like the very first video about Existentialism. By watching this  video  we get to know that Existentialism is a form of philosophical inquiry that deals with human existence. Existentialism is associated with 19th- and 20th-century European philosophers who shared an emphasis on the human subject.  In the 20th century, prominent existentialist thinkers included Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Simone de Beauvoir, Karl Jaspers, Gabriel Marcel, and Paul Tillich. Their thoughts are different from each other but they share the same beliefs. This whole movement started with Jean paul Satre, and he believes that  Kierkegaard was the  first Existentialist. Individuality, freedom and passion are three sides of it. Believing in God and preaching several things is an individual thing and Philosopher like Camus believing in God is philosophical  for him, he doesn't consider himself as Existentialist but an absurdist.

In the second video Camus write that 

" there is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide". 

Camus talks about this thing right from the beginning, when someone thinks his life is full of absurdity and couldn't find meaning, he might commit sucide, by thinking that their life is  meaningless and not worth leaving. This video also gave reference to the movie  "Stay". In this movie the protagonist shot himself on the brooklyn Bridge. He said "it was the best artwork of the 19 th century", also  added that-

"an elegant sucide is the ultimate work of art."

Camus said that " in truth, there is no necessary common measure between these two judgements' ' which are sucide and hope. When they raise a question that is there any logic in death ? Camus answered 

" I can not know unless I pursue, without reckless passion, in the sole light of evidence the reasoning of which I am here suggesting the source. This is what i tell an absurd reasoning."


In the third video talked about reason, that 'Reason is useless and there is nothing beyond reason' and absurd man knows there is no place for hope. For Kierkegaard 

"Faith is the solution to the absurd. He said faith is the objective uncertainty with the repulsion of the absurd."

And there were also a question that if man had no external consciousness what would life be but despair? and Camus answered - "seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable". Like suicides Gods change with man, there are many ways of leaping, the essential being to leap.

In the forth video talked about Dadaism. Creation is primarily Goal of dadaism. Hungo Ball, Janco, Jean Arp, Tristan Tzara founded this whole movement. Dadaism doesn't have values that other people invented. Tristan Tzara writes that -

" The Absurd Doesn't Frighten me, because from a more elevated point of view, I consider everything in life to be absurd."

Fifth video is about Existentialism as a gloomy philosophy. To understand its gloominess we have to look at its history. In post war movement was popularized as response of war, after world war two peoples life became meaningless and feel with despair, and Wxistensialism came to reascuiv and offer the cure.

Learning outcome

The concept of Existentialism is a little bit hard to understand, but after  watching these videos I clearly understand the concept. By watching these videos we could clearly understand what Existentialism is, this wide philosophy  taught us to live in our own way. 


  1. The group of the Existentialists says that Religion, finding social justice, seeking beauty all of these things gives you life meaning but at the same time say none of them can. Why? And how ? (From the 10th video)

  2. Creation is the primary goal of Dadaism, and Dadaism art  doesn't have values that other people invented so can we say that Dadaism is creation which doesn't have values, and if not then why? ( from 4th video)

  3. What is concept of "Bad Faith" ? (from 10th video)

  4. Camus write that there is one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Could we consider Suicide as biggest philosophical problem ? ( from 1st video)

  5. For Kierkegaard, "faith is the solution to the absurd ; he said faith is the objective uncertainty with the repulsion of the absurd". What is the significance of this sentence ?

-Here i embeded those videos of Existentialism, so by watching those videos you can understand this concept.






Thank you.✨

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