Sunday, August 21, 2022

Thinking activity : Romantic poets

  Thinking Activity 

This blog is about thinking activity romanticism, given by our yesha ma’am. Our department of English organized an academic visit to Victoria Park but I couldn't join them because of some reason. But I'm gonna share my experience through their pictures and some amazing videos that were shared by them in our study group. In this blog I'm going to share about how I connect with nature, how it inspires me.

There is one artist that i like the most who is Vincent Van Gogh, his love of nature did not come out of thin air. In his youth, he went on long walks through the fields and woods near Zundert, that is his village where he was born.. He developed his life long love of nature in the brabant is hardly surprising that vincent’s art also become inseparably linked with nature. He also wrote that

“ if i felt no love for nature and my work, then i would be unhappy” in 1882.

He also quoted this one-

Q-1 write about the purpose of the visit-

The purpose  of visiting Victoria park is academic, this part is located near iscon club, khodiyar temple and Himalaya mall in Bhavnagar. Victoria is an old and one of the most popular parks in Bhavnagar. It is just like the Sanjay Gandhi national park in Mumbai city. Victoria park is one of India's oldest  man made forests that is maintained by the government of India.

The park has contributed immensely in educating and raising awareness among the public wildlife. Schools make visits here to raise awareness in kids, and this is a good place to relax and go away from the noise of the city.

By the name of this park “victoria park” it helps us to understand the romantic era. We could connect this park with the romantic era of English literature. First of all we should know that what is romanticism-


Romanticism is an artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe in 18 th century. It is also called romantic movement or romantic era.  It is a movement  of art, 

 literature, and music, in the late 18 and early 19 century in Europe.

Here is a painting of this age- the wanderer: above the sea of fog.


This movement is about feelings, imagination , nature, human life, freedom of expression, individualism, and old folk tradition, such as legends and fairy tales, were important. It was a reaction to the aristocratic social and political ideas of the age of enlightenment and industrial revolution.

It was also a reaction against turning nature into amare science. This movement showed most strongly in arts like music, and literature. 

The second generation of romantic poets, especially Shelly and Byron, became famous for their works, later romantic poetry also retained by many characteristics like black, and Wordsworth. Keats odes much like the poetry of Wordsworth, he took inspiration from nature, and Byron ‘s poetry had strong introspective character.

Nature was also a sourse of inspiration in the visual arts of the romantic movement. Romantic artists dipicted nature to be not only beautiful, but poverful, unpredictable, and destructive.

There was also something pioneering almost revolutionary about romanticism. In ivolved breaking with the past, and consciously moving away from the ideas and tradition of the Enlightnment. We could say that romanticism fundamentally changed the prevelling  attitudes towards nature, emotion, reason, and even the individual.

Q-2 write about “ how nature can influence the soul” 

Spending time outside and connecting to nature has been proven to improve our health and welbeing. It can boosting our mood and potential for creative thinking.

Connecting to nature is easier than you think. It is not always about grand outdoor adventures although we do think they are great, but it can be also a simple having a few houseplants arond the house and some collection of plants.


Talking a nature walk, without all your technical gadgets, allows a part of your brain that recieves all the attention overlod time to recover. Being in nature helps us to feel alieve, encourages mindset and make us happier humans.

As i’m going to describe that how nature inspire me than i’m definitely say that it inspire me a lot. I Could call my self "aesthete" i have deep sensitivity to the nature beauty of art nature. i’m not poet that it inspire me to write a poem, but it inspire me to paint the ellements of nature. Doing live sketches is my one of favourite task, i started painting when i was just 5 years old, i never left it and always learn new forms and differrant medium of painting, like how to do acrylic painting, watercolor painting, oil painting, and soft pastel, oil pastal, and pencil sketching and many more…When i see a beautiful clouds, nature scenary i took picture of it and paint it

Art has allowed me to grow closer to nature. I have always love the natural world, but drawing and painting it allowed me to learn more and connect with it on a deeper level. The more i started drawing nature, the more i became facinated with landscape. When i painted landscap or any object i’m go through all small details that can i see. It give me pice of mind and i forgot my problems and take me to my imaginary art world, That’s why i choose the world for my youtube studio “ parmar artworld”.  The sound of nature also fascinated me like the sound of birds, river water. Nature inspire me and give me new ideas and creative thoughts to make creative piece of artwork.

Here i put some of my paintings inspire by nature-

Q-3 share your experience-

This acadamic visist conducted on 20th July 2022. Here i share my experience through listens others experience, and what i was experience if i was there. If i was visited Victoria park than definitely take many photos of scenery, trees, some plants, landscape, flawours, leaves and many more. i searched perfect photo that i can paint.this visit organised in monsoon season that is why they cant see wild animanl due to rain. And its infrascructure made with wood, and the theme of the park was seem very actractive.

At the end we could say  that this Victoria park  is full of nature and this visit organiced to connact nature with romanticism. In romanticism nature had it’s own vallue upon literature and this modern time also have it’s value. If i was visited i definetly draw live sketch of scenary.

Here i ambeded a link of my youtube video of “ watercolor landscape painting”

Thank you.

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